2018 Vocalocity Scholarships
The 2018 Mary Bryan Scholarships
are awarded to
Tegan Krempl and Allegra Dunning

I am delighted to offer both Tegan Krempl and Allegra Dunning a Mary Bryan Scholarship for 2018.
These two scholarships have been donated by the daughter of a wonderful lady from Ireland, Mary Bryan, who's weekly highlight for many years was her involvement in the local church choir. In donating these scholarships in her mother's memory, Mary's daughter (a dear family friend who lives in Sydney) has said, "I welcome the opportunity to foster young people in their passion for singing because I believe in the power of the voice individually and in a choir to create strong people and united communities."
Tegan and Allegra have been selected as the recipients of these scholarships because they demonstrate a great passion for singing and dedication to learning. They are both writing their own songs and they embrace every performance opportunity that is offered to them. Their engagement with, and support of others, whilst singing in a group is reflective of everything Mary Bryan loved about singing, as well as her daughter's reason for giving these scholarships.
It is our hope that this opportunity will help Tegan and Allegra to nurture and develop their voices and further assist them in reaching their singing and performance goals. The Mary Bryan Scholarship entitles them to weekly singing lessons with me at Vocalocity for the duration of 2018.
Congratulations Tegan and Allegra. Both Mary's daughter and I believe you are very worthy recipients of the Mary Bryan Scholarships and we look forward to seeing where they can take you in your creative journeys.
Amelia Nell
Director at Vocalocity Pty Ltd

Photographs courtesy of Eames K Photography